*Note: throughout this article I use two terms in referring to the communion under the authority of the Bishop of Rome: Roman Catholicism and Romanism. I tend to use the term "Romanism" when speaking explicitly of the unique theological positions of Rome and those under her, which would differentiate her not only from Protestantism but from the various Eastern Communions as well. "Romanism" should not be considered a slur, any more than "Anglicanism" or "Lutheranism" should be. To claim that those under Papal authority are merely "Catholics" is to imply that they constitute the entirety of the Catholic Church. Romanists believe this, but those out from under her authority should not. As an Anglican, I consider myself fully Catholic and part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which I confess each Sunday at Mass in the words of the Nicene Creed.*
This week Bishop Gavin Ashendon finally confessed that he is leaving Anglicanism and joining Rome, this Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2019.
Anyone who knows Bishop Gavin knew this was a long time coming; his wife has already joined Rome, and he always speaks well of Roman Catholicism and has hinted about joining for quite a while. I do not say this to be flippant of him or his decision; on the contrary, I have great respect for the Bishop. However, as an Anglican who would align himself with the Anglo-Catholic end of the spectrum, I do have a few concerns with both his reasoning for this decision and its ramifications.
First, I will give a direct response to Bishop Gavin (he wrote, here, an article explaining some of his reasoning for joining Rome), dealing with the points he brings up in what brought him to his decision. I will then give a general assessment of what it means for an Anglican, especially of the Anglo-Catholic Tradition, to leave Anglicanism and join Rome.
Response to Bishop Gavin
The Bishop starts with writing about his experience smuggling Bibles and seminary books into communist countries during the 80's for Roman Catholic seminaries. He says, "my experiences of the underground (Roman) Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia would act as a catalyst and an example to bring me to my true spiritual home." He then talks about how Western society is being taken over by cultural Marxism, how he had seen it budding first in progressive universities (including one in which he taught), and how Anglicanism was being swallowed whole, before his very eyes, into this Marxist black pit.
Of course, the immediate thought is, "Wait...are you going to tell me that Rome is somehow blocked from this Marxist attack?" The Bishop is no fool, of course. He rightly states, "Some friends have warned me that I will not find the grass any greener on the (Roman) Catholic side of the fence. Of course I won't. The (Roman) Catholic Church faces exactly the same spiritual, cultural and political crisis. But the pilgrimage is not about comfort, it is about truth and integrity."
The Bishop's admission here that Rome is no better off is an important one, and demonstrates that, so far, he has no delusions of theological harmony within the halls of Romanism. From here, Bishop Gavin delves into three reasons he decided to join Rome.
1) Our Lady at Garabandal
Marian apparitions (alleged or otherwise) are not my expertise. I had to look up this particular one that the Bishop mentioned. After seeing video footage of the children experiencing this alleged apparition (and I note that Bishop Gavin points out that this one has never been confirmed by Rome), the Bishop started a study of Marian Apparitions throughout history. This eventually led to a devotion to praying the Rosary, especially during dark times in Bishop Gavin's life.
The concern I have here is twofold: first, I do not know how any of this leads to Rome. I know many Anglican churches that not only have members who pray the Rosary, they have classes as well. I myself pray the Rosary, especially when I am with any Roman Catholic family members. There are Lutherans who pray the Rosary as well. And of course, Eastern Orthodox could never be accused of having a low view of the Blessed Virgin. How does this lead to Rome?
The second is a more serious problem: that of theological methodology. The viewing of an experience was what started this intellectual endeavor of the Bishop. From there, Bishop Gavin moves to looking at Marian Apparitions (alleged or otherwise). This leads to some conclusion that Rome...is the one True Church? No explanation of how is given, but worse: no Scriptural citation was given that would even suggest this way of determining one's ecclesiology. Scripture is never cited in this, or in fact in the entire article. Even if one holds to the Magisterium, the reasons given here had nothing to do with it. In fact, as already noted, the Magisterium does not formally recognize Our Lady at Garabandal as an authentic visitation of the Blessed Virgin.
2) Eucharistic Miracles
Bishop Gavin moves on to Eucharistic miracles. He states that no Anglican Eucharistic miracles have ever been witnessed, and cites that as something that carries "obvious implications".
The implications are not obvious to me. There are many possible answers; one of them being, "There are Eucharistic miracles." My priest from my sending parish tells, in his class on the Eucharist, two stories about the power he's witnessed in the Blessed Sacrament. The first one is here: He speaks of how, in his 30's, he was in a deeply depressive state. He was commanded by a priest friend of his, in the Episcopal Church, to receive Communion for his own healing. My priest did so; literally coming in late on purpose, then leaving as soon as he received. Over the months he was healed of his state.
This is a Eucharistic miracle; one which is what the Eucharist is actually for. The purpose of the Eucharist is not to bleed and thus be hidden away in a monstrance and never to be consumed. I would rather one single life be changed by the Eucharist, especially concerning how much that life has been used by God to bless others, than one thousand visibly bleeding Hosts appear before me.
Another story he tells is here: in it he speaks about a little girl, around 4-6 years old, who went up to receive; she kept standing on the kneeler, leaning over the rail to see what was in the ciborium my priest was holding. He let her look inside, and she then turned to her mother and said, "Mommy, I just saw Jesus!" Grinning, my priest said to the mother, "I like your daughter's theology."
The "obvious implications" that Bishop Gavin mentioned are not so obvious when you take these and others into account. Aside from these and other stories (ones which have not been made public by those who witnessed it, so I will not make them public here), my own experience with the Eucharist has been one of healing, specifically of depression while being given a sense of purpose. What I speak of is not rare within Anglicanism, at least insofar as I've seen. True, I know of no bleeding Host accounts within Anglicanism (again, not that I have looked for any; I consider them unimportant), but I know countless healing stories of the Eucharist within Anglicanism; this is actually what the Eucharist is for. Is Bishop Gavin unaware of the healing power of the Eucharist being present within Anglicanism? If so, I would not wish to guess why. If he is, why is a bleeding Host more important and better evidence than the Medicine working would be?
3) The Magisterium
The Magisterium is, according to Bishop Gavin, a unifying force for Romanism that guards against heresy. I admit that this claim baffles me. Bishop Gavin knows about the Amazonian Synod and the heretical statements (on almost any standard) of Pope Francis. Bishop Gavin knows about the literal pachamama idols used during worship in the Amazonian Synod. Not only used, but when a devout Roman Catholic took them away and dumped the idols into the Tiber, Pope Francis had them retrieved and made an announcement that they were found, calling them "pachamama" in his very speech. They are, literally, idols; not representations of the Blessed Virgin, but actual pagan, non-Christian, idols.
German Roman Catholic Bishops recently came out saying that homosexuality is a "normal" part of human sexuality; I could find no response from Papacy, and certainly nothing to the level of excommunication or even a threat of one.
Even Bishop Gavin admits that the grass isn't "greener" in Rome, as I quoted above. Why does this argument stand for him? Because it is the assurance, it seems, that no matter how bad it gets God will protect the Papacy from falling formally into heresy.
This argument assumes that Rome and the Papacy have not already done so, and multiple times. From the historical problems facing Papal Infallibility such as the heretic (and named as such by an Ecumenical Council) Pope Honorius, to the elevation of the Immaculate Conception as de fide, to Cardinal Newman's rather contrived argument of doctrinal development (you can fit literally any theological system into history through doctrinal development), I find the evidence to the contrary rather convincing. Rome is, currently, heretical. Even under Pope Benedict XVI. Even under Pope St. John Paul II. Going back to the Council of Trent, and further back beyond that, Rome has committed herself to many a heresy.
The Major Problem of Swimming the Tiber
There are a few major issues with an Anglican swimming the Tiber to join Rome. We can talk about Justification, Papal Supremacy, and other doctrinal positions of significant importance. The one doctrinal position I wish to bring up might seem minor, but it has serious consequences for the Anglican who wishes to join Rome: that is the 1896 Papal Bull Apostolicae Curae.
I will not delve into an entire account of Apostolicae Curae; rather I will link you to a paper I did last year on the topic, defending Holy Orders within Anglicanism from the arguments made by Rome in that Papal Bull. If you are not familiar with the topic of Holy Orders, especially as it relates to Apostolicae Curae, I encourage you to read the paper.
I consider Apostolicae Curae to be one of the most poorly-made arguments against Holy Orders within Anglicanism that could possibly be published. Nevertheless, Rome in the 1990's issued an Apostolic Letter, Ad Tuendem Fidem, in which then-Cardinal Ratzinger had attached in a doctrinal commentary to the letter the claim that Apostolicae Curae was one example where certain proclamations made by the Papacy were "unquestionable" (though not necessarily infallible).
Here lies to problem: to become a Roman Catholic, you must submit to the teachings of Rome. This addendum to the Ad Tuendem Fidem was never rescinded. Furthermore, in Roman Catholicism the standard (and I only know of one exception: that of Fr. John Jay Hughes) is unconditonal re-Ordination and re-Confirmation. What this means is that, when you go from Anglicanism to Romanism, you must implicitly affirm that you have not sacramentally received the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Sacrament of Holy Orders, or even the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. One must, in other words, in a way deny Christ.
For Anglicans, especially Anglicans of the Anglo-Catholic Tradition, this should be a serious issue. If you have not thought out your theology on the Sacraments, if you have not thoroughly considered the issues of Apostolicae Curae and their implications, you are in no state to leave Anglicanism and join Rome. You do need to consider what it is you are rejecting when you go from Anglicanism to Romanism. This is not merely a jurisdictional change, like going from Anglicanism to Old Catholicism or Anglicanism to Lutheranism. This is a unique relationship Anglicanism has with Romanism. Rome has made a specific, theological argument against the validity of our Holy Orders and thus has ultimately claimed that we have no sacramental assurance of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. They have not issued such a formal declaration against Lutherans, and in fact have said the opposite about communions such as Old Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, etc.
I have many issues with Rome; serious issues. I consider this to be one of the top ones. Apostolicae Curae only convinces me that Rome in the late 1800's was willing to use her assumed ecclesiastical authority to play ecclesiastically political games, to the detriment of theology. The arguments are, simply put, really bad (again, see my paper). But now that they cannot be questioned by the Roman faithful, in order to join Rome I would have to submit to the belief that not only are Holy Orders within Anglicanism "absolutely null and utterly void", as Apostolicae Curae says, but as a consequence of that believe that Jesus' Presence in the Eucharist I've received as an Anglican for seven years is "absolutely null and utterly void". I cannot, in good conscience, reject my Savior's Presence in the Sacrament that He has graced me with. This is the primary reason that I can never join Rome, and should be a most serious impediment to other Anglicans as well.
The Barely Protestant blog is run by Rev. A. James Gadomski, a Deacon within the Anglican Church in North America. To contact him, please e-mail at barelyprotestant@gmail.com. As well, there is a Facebook page here.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Joshua Harris and Marty Sampson: When Christian Celebrities Question the Faith
Harris' book was just before my time; my teen years were largely in the 2000's. However, I do recall my older sister reading the book in the 90's. Curious, I would read passages in it whenever I found the book in the living room or wherever else she placed it. My ten year old mind didn't remember much about it other than this: apparently, if you wait to have sex until marriage you'll have this amazing wife, an amazing sex life, and wonderful children. That thought remained in the back of my mind when I finally started noticing, um, girls in my teens. I'd have probably never consciously articulated such a mindset, but looking back I know that the only reasons I remained a virgin were fear of STDs/teen-pregnancy and this desire to have a really great sex-life/marriage/kids.
I hope I don't have to tell you that that is a lie on par with The Prosperity (False) Gospel; in fact, all it is is a sex-centric version of that heresy. That has already been said by more than a few people, so if you're interested in understanding more about that I recommend these links: an article by Katelyn Beaty in Religion News Service, and another one by Emily Hall in Christianity.com. The point is that Harris, who was only 21 at the time he wrote that book, was shot to stardom in Evangelical circles while preaching a gospel of sexual prosperity summed up in this way: follow these rules on sex and God will give you your sexual dream.
Turn now to Marty Sampson of Hillsong. I don't know much about Mr. Sampson, and the little more I know about Hillsong I greatly dislike. A casual glance at the search engine results of his name shows that he's written also for Delirious? and other contemporary worship-style bands.
Sampson posted on Instagram that he was turning away from the Faith, though he has since clarified that he hasn't left it entirely yet (the Instagram post has since been deleted; above is a screenshot of it). I had mentioned that I greatly dislike Hillsong; to me it represents pretty much everything that is awful about contemporary Christian music, both musically and lyrically. What frustrates me about Sampson leaning towards leaving the Faith is not so much the fact that he is (although that is always sad), but the *reasons* he gave for it. Let's look at his words in the initial post:
"how many preachers fall? Many. No one talks about it. How many miracles happen. Not many. No one talks about it. Why is the Bible full of contradictions? No one talks about it. How can God be love yet send four billion people to a place, all coz they don’t believe? No one talks about it. Christians can be the most judgmental people on the planet - they can also be some of the most beautiful and loving people...but it’s not for me.”
"how many preachers fall? Many. No one talks about it. How many miracles happen. Not many. No one talks about it. Why is the Bible full of contradictions? No one talks about it. How can God be love yet send four billion people to a place, all coz they don’t believe? No one talks about it. Christians can be the most judgmental people on the planet - they can also be some of the most beautiful and loving people...but it’s not for me.”
There is no shame in asking these questions, no matter what age you are
The problem with this IG post is, bluntly put, how absolutely ignorant it is. Not in the questions at all--one of the best ways to learn is by asking questions--but in the claim that "no one" is talking about these things. Allowing for hyperbole, (almost) no one is talking about falling preachers, the theology of miracles, alleged and apparent contradictions in Scripture, theodicy, etc.? Forget reading books, has he ever even done an online search with those questions and read or watched any pro-Christian results? The question-asking, again, is not the problem: the apparent lack of desire to find answers is what is so frustrating.
Has Sampson ever heard of Christian Apologetics? Has he ever read a single book on Systematic Theology, or even a single book by a Christian Theologian? Not Bill Johnson or Brian Houston, but actually academic Christian Theologians? I don't ask these questions with a desire to belittle; I genuinely am curious. Sampson has recently posted about realizing that he doesn't have to take the Genesis 1 and 2 accounts of Creation as scientifically literal, and how that apparently seemed liberating to him. Again, he is only now discovering this?
***Edit: I realized, shortly after posting this, that some people reading this article might not be aware of resources that can help with these questions. Here is a list of great books, websites, and podcasts on a number of hard issues to answer within Christianity:
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision, by William Lane Craig
Tactics: a Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Greg Koukl
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, by Frank Turek and Norm Geisler
Inference to the One True God: Why I Believe in Jesus Instead of Other Gods, by Evan Minton
Reasonable Faith
Cross Examined
Paul Copan's Website
Religious Nut and Hellbound Sinner (my former podcast)
Cerebral Faith
This is just a small list of resources; websites like Reasonable Faith have podcast and YouTube channels as well.***
***Edit: I realized, shortly after posting this, that some people reading this article might not be aware of resources that can help with these questions. Here is a list of great books, websites, and podcasts on a number of hard issues to answer within Christianity:
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision, by William Lane Craig
Tactics: a Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Greg Koukl
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, by Frank Turek and Norm Geisler
Inference to the One True God: Why I Believe in Jesus Instead of Other Gods, by Evan Minton
Reasonable Faith
Cross Examined
Paul Copan's Website
Religious Nut and Hellbound Sinner (my former podcast)
Cerebral Faith
This is just a small list of resources; websites like Reasonable Faith have podcast and YouTube channels as well.***
It's not simply that he's struggling with these questions as a forty year old; plenty of people that age and older have finally started to deal with tough questions in the Christian Faith. I want to make this understood, which is why I'm repeating it: there is no shame in asking these questions, no matter what age you are. The problem is that he's literally been a Christian leader to many for decades. He's been writing professionally for Evangelical worship since the 90's.
Which brings me to the other problem that this IG post represents: the fact that it's not only very ignorant, but very true. "No one" (hyperbole, again, recognized) is caring about these questions...in the megachurch "relationship not religion" pop-concert-followed-by-a-TED-Talk Sunday gathering that calls itself Evangelical Christianity today. In much of this group of Christianity, which is quickly growing by the way (and that's not a good thing), doctrine doesn't matter. It's all about the entertainment. The pastor comes in with the flip-flops and Hawaiian tee, gives a moralizing speech with emotionally-driven music--made specifically to be entertaining and with almost no theological depth to it--on either side of his (or her) half-hour talk, and the people call it a day and live the entire week exactly the same way they did previously.
That is what passes for popular Christianity today in the West: don't worry about doctrine, because it divides. Instead, teach about being good people, and that God loves everyone. This has been termed Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. We've known about this development within Christendom in the West for about fifteen years, specifically amongst teens in the early 2000's; in other words, today's young leaders. It hasn't been ignored; worse, it's been embraced. Moralistic Therapeutic Deism is identified as having five tenets of faith:
- A God exists who created and ordered the world and who watches over human life on earth.
- God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most religions.
- The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.
- God does not need to be particularly involved in one's life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.
- Good people go to heaven when they die.
This isn't even a bare-bones understanding of Christianity. This is not Christianity at all; this is straight up pluralism. Attaching the word "Jesus" to this does nothing but add food color to a watered-down spirituality. It is like adding dye to a glass of water and declaring you've turned water into wine.
This is why we need to care about preaching the Gospel, teaching people, and discipling them in the Church. It is not enough to give a free concert and a motivational speech once a week, wipe the dust off our hands, then call it a day. A faith that does not have reasons for its moral positions, or a source, is an unrooted faith. When the source of our faith is "the god within" we end up making ourselves our own god, chasing our own tails for every wind of doctrine and piety we sniff.
We only encourage such action when our religion (and yes, "spiritual but not religious" is a religion; make no doubt about that) primarily teaches us by coddling to our entertainment needs. Whether those needs are in a sexual pleasure ("Be celibate until marriage and you'll have freakin' awesome sex!") or other social pleasures ("Don't think about the hard questions! Just enjoy this pop music that has no spiritual depth and listen to these practical life lessons that don't challenge you to grow in the Faith, while you sit in a comfortable seat with your casual clothes and Christian coffee latte, posting a selfie n the midst of service."), our churches have been training us to be catechized, or taught, by self-indulgence. By doing so we make ourselves the center of the universe, the Canon of our faith. And we do so blasphemously when we rename our personal desires "The Holy Spirit".